A geek, a cover (or three) and a trailer
Okay, so I know it's one of the very geeky things you can check off on the
Ringer Obsession Test, but...man, I just had to. I was walking across a field covered with snow today and...well...I did, in fact, attempt to walk
on top of it. *cough* I'm deluding myself and saying that I did succeed somewhat, and that this is clearly due to the fact that
the snow was pretty densely packed somewhere far back in my family tree, I have Elven ancestry. ;)
Superficial news tidbit #1:
The new book covers for
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince were released today - click
here to see 'em. I think I like the American version of the cover the best, followed by the adult British/Canadian/international version. Normally I wouldn't choose the adult cover over the children's one, just 'cause I like my
Harry Potter covers whimsical (well, technically, I only own one of the books so far), but dude, this may possibly be when I change my mind about that. :)
(p.s. Thanks to gr8gonzo for the heads up! :))
ETA: On second thought, go
here to see the covers. They're bigger on this site.
Superficial news tidbit #2:For those of you who are interested (and hopefully some of you are), there's a new trailer for
Sin City out now, posted
here on the AOL site (I got this link from
trailer_spot). Right-click and save to watch it. Looks good!
ETA: A scene-to-scene comparison of shots from the movie to images from the comic books can be seen as a slideshow on
Yahoo. Very cool.